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turkish airlines flight 981 passenger list

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The latch of the DC-10 is a study in human factors, interface design, and engineering responsibility. Mr, Lionel James Ware, 28, married, two children, helicopter engineer For at least six weeks the police were not even certain of how many people had died. [12] The memo was written after American Airlines Flight 96, another DC-10, had a rear cargo door failure identical to the one that occurred on Flight 981, causing an explosive decompression. But American Airlines had requested an electric actuator because it was lighter and easier to maintain, so McDonnell Douglas acquiesced. Total flights from Chennai to Ahmedabad in a week : 23 flights : First Flight: SpiceJet 502 , departs at 12:45 PM : Last Flight: GoAir 451 , departs at 09:00 PM : Popular Airlines from Chennai to Ahmedabad: SpiceJet, IndiGo, Air India, and GoAir: Shortest Time of flights from Chennai to Ahmedabad: 02h 10m: Airport codes flights from Chennai to . The six passengers in the seats were killed when they fell into a field in St. Mr. Anthony Price, 39, businessman Among the British passengers were members of an amateur rugby team from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, who were returning from attending a Five Nations match between France and England and trade union leader James Conway. The DC-10 had disintegrated into hundreds of thousands of pieces, and, horrifically, so had its passengers. It was in this line of inquiry, one which was pursued by the press rather than by investigators themselves, where some of the most enduring revelations came to light. This modification had been applied to Flight 981's plane. After Flight 96, McDonnell-Douglas added a small peephole that allowed the baggage handlers to visually inspect the pins, confirming they were in the correct position, and placards to show the correct and incorrect positions of the pins. Dirt and dust blasted upward into McCormicks face, temporarily blinding him. These findings concurred with statements made by Mohammed Mahmoudi, the baggage handler who had closed the door on Flight 981; he noted that no particular amount of force was needed to close the locking handle. Mr. Nazif Sen, 33, married, one child, waiter A huge hole had opened up near the back of the cabin, throwing part of the floor, two rows of seats, and six passengers out into the sky. Dedicated in memory of the victims and their families affected by the crash of Turkish Airlines, Flight 981 in Paris, France, 1974. The flight departed at 12:32 PM local time. The DC-10 went out of control and, despite the best efforts of the pilots, crashed into the forests of Ermenonville, 37 km northeast of Paris. Pilots Mr. Morton Lloyd Lewis, 56, divorced, journalist Turkish Airlines (TK) Turkmenistan Airlines (T5) TUS Airways (U8) Tway Air (TW) Twin Jet (T7) Ulendo Airlink (NYS) Ultra Air (U0) UM Air (UF) Uni Air (B7) . As Captain McCormick steered his plane slowly back toward Detroit, he knew that they were in a delicate situation. Only later that day did airport officials inform police and the press that the actual number of people on board was at least 344. 3/3/1974 Turkish Airlines Flight 981 crash site after the In-Flight opening of the Cargo door. Mrs. Isobel Kennedy Griffin, 52, widow, two children, shop assistant Mr. Yashihiko Tsuji, 22, trading company management trainee Mr. William Claude Dack, 39, married, three children, sales manager NTSB Aviation Safety Bureau Chief Charles Miller was on the scene when French experts examined the door in the field, and what he saw confirmed his worst fears: it was the Windsor incident all over again, only this time a fully loaded jumbo jet had gone down, killing everyone on board. The plane was a 1-year-old Mcdonnell Douglas DC-10. Nevertheless, nothing was done to change the design, presumably because the cost for any such changes would have been borne as out-of-pocket expenses by the fuselage's subcontractor, Convair. As the DC-10 passed through 11,500 feet, the pressure load being transmitted through the hinges to the latch actuator bolts became so great that the bolts sheared, the door swung open, and the air rushed out of the cargo hold with tremendous force. When Mahmoudi learned that there was no more baggage to come, he closed the cargo door of the plane. The cargo door design flaw, and the consequences of a resulting in-flight decompression, had been noted by Convair engineer Dan Applegate in a 1972 memo. So was it THY that mis-rigged the cargo door after the Americans went home? The first leg from IST to ORY went smoothly, with a flying time of four hours. Both flights experienced uncontrolled explosive decompression when the cargo door latches failed. The crash was also known as the Ermenonville air disaster, from the forest where the aircraft crashed. (Four survived JAL 123, as did 61 from Pan Am 1736 on Tenerife.). Miss Linda Woods, Z7, commercial artist But as flight 96 approached the airport, a whole new set of problems presented themselves. In fact, it was obvious that selling the DC-10 to THY in the first place was a dubious idea. FAA Reauthorization Act; FAA Reauthorization Summary; #MH370 Definition of Underwater Search Areas Dec As a result, the layover increased from the normal one hour to one hour and thirty minutes. Meanwhile, back in 1972, engineers at the Convair division of General Dynamics, which Douglas had contracted to manufacture the fuselage and doors according to its specifications, began to express concern about the design of the aircrafts floor. It took a painstaking inquires into twenty-one countries to produce the full catalog of victims. Pressure acting on the door would then force the hooks deeper into the detents, holding the door closed. But as he held down the button to drive the latch actuator, the voltage dropped and the actuator stopped before the hinges could move over-center. 1:04. The plane began to descend and fall rapidly. Turkish Airlines Flight 981; CG render of TC-JAV moments after failure of the cargo hatch. The first aircraft accident in which 200 or more people died occurred on March 3, 1974, when 346 died in the crash of Turkish Airlines Flight 981.As of April 2020, there have been 33 aviation incidents in which 200 or more people died.. The interconnecting linkage between the lock and the latch hooks had not been upgraded. Mr. James Conway, 58, married, one child, trade union officer The only runway at the airport long enough for a DC-10 was in a state of disrepair. Everywhere Captain Lannier looked, there were body parts, lying on the ground, mixed into the wreckage, impaled on trees. Furthermore, the FAA failed to discover this obvious design flaw during certification of the airplane. Keying his mic to speak to air traffic control, he announced, Center, this is American Airlines flight 96, we got an emergency!. The plane yawed sharply left, the nose dropped, and all three engines rolled back to idle. But the deaths of 346 people in a forest outside Paris were really the culmination of a complex, interconnected web of events, driven by a large number of people who each did what they thought was necessary or right, whether that was the baggage handler who locked a door that wasnt closed, or the McDonnell Douglas executive who feared that the company would fail and he would lose his job if he didnt sell enough DC-10s. Miss Patricia Margaret Rogers, 46, company 4irector In fact, most of the DC-10 fuselage had vents like these; only the rearmost hold lacked them. At the time of the accident there were only two people seated in first class, while economy class was fully occupied. McDonnell Douglas eventually decided to target Turkeys state-owned flag carrier THY, known in Turkish as Turk Hava Yollari and in English as Turkish Airlines. You can reach the final report of that accident via the official report link. Miss Danielle N Guyen Thi, 22, student, , May they rest without remorse May my deed change the way we fly Bruno Druesne. Mrs. Aliye Filiz Kapur, 29, married, one child, engineer and her son Bazak Kerime, 2 The death toll of 346 exceeded that of any previous aviation incident. But Hurt explained that McDonnell Douglas already knew about this potential for catastrophe, and if Convair brought it up to them that could be a liability in and of itself, because the terms of their contract stated that Convair was required to raise an objection to any design elements that it felt were unsafe prior to the fabrication of those elements. It looks like were going to hit the ground! Berkz shouted. When Turkish Airlines Flight 981 arrived in Paris from Istanbul, many passengers scheduled to fly on British European Airways transferred to 981 for its final leg to London. Mr. Robert James Gillman, 21, trainee print buyer But they did have full use of the ailerons, engines one and three, and all their hydraulic systems, small comfort as that may have been. But that came much too late for the 346 victims of the tragedy in the Ermenonville Forest and the countless bereaved loved ones that they left behind. It crashed after the cargo door blew out resulting a a nose dive, killing 346 people. Turkish sources said that 15 Turks were on board. and 1 each from Belgium, Cyprus, West Germany, Greece, Iran, Israel, Ireland, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and South Vietnam. The vent door was of course meant to solve this, but it was entirely useless because it was not driven by the locking pins and thus could not indicate whether the hinges were over-center. Mrs. Wendy Wheal, 24, married, fashion model McDonnell Douglass response to this serious failure in testing was to make a few minor changes to the design of the door. But in such an extreme right yaw, the right wing was already in danger of stalling and spiraling in; therefore, using too much left aileron could push the angle of attack beyond the critical point and cause a catastrophic loss of lift on the right side. Mr. Ahmet Oral, 27, student The NTSB's investigation into Flight 96 found that the handlers had forced the locking handle closed, in spite of the fact that the latches had not engaged fully because of an electrical problem. Mr. Paul Anthony Hiilman, 25, real estate agency director A large section of the floor near the last few rows of seats consequently failed, collapsing down into the cargo hold. Berkz called "Speed!" If the hinges are over-center, the lock pins will slide past the flanges and the handle will close easily; simultaneously, the lock tube will make contact with a switch that extinguishes the door open warning light in the cockpit. Mrs. Phyllis Kween, 29, married, two children (wife of David Kween, listed under British victims) The case should have been open and shut, the resulting design changes uncontroversial. The plane continued its straight flight for a while. As of 6 December 2015, Flight 981 is still the deadliest single-plane accident with no survivors. By: Jeremy Barnes, Jennifer Marino, and Manny Rodriguez-TurellProblem IdentificationOn March,3, 1974, just outside of Paris, France, Turkish Airlines flight 981 crashed due to the decompression of the cargo door, killing all 346 passengers. Ground personnel had to latch the doors manually using a crank. [3][4] Among them were 17 English rugby players who had attended a FranceEngland match the previous day; the flight also carried six British fashion models, and 48 Japanese bank management trainees on their way to England, as well as passengers from a dozen other countries. Oral Ulusman Mr. Erhan Ozer Mr. Engin Ucok Ms. Gulay Sonmez Ms. Nilgun Yilmazer Ms. Sibel Zahin Ms. Semra Hidir Ms. Fatma Barka Ms. Rona Altinay Ms. Ayse Birgili Through either oversight or deliberate fraud, the manufacturer construction logs nevertheless showed that this work had been carried out. There were a number of other things wrong with the cargo door on fuselage #29 as well. The locking pins then ran into the sides of the flanges and stopped, the torque tube bent downward in the middle, the locking handle moved into the locked position, and the cockpit warning light went out. Mr. gushitami Kojima, 22, bank management trainee Pathus. As Lannier rolled up beside a fire truck near the intersection of two dirt tracks deep in the forest, a firemen emerged and told him: Bodies all over the place, like. A McDonnell Douglas DC-10, flying as American Airlines Flight 96, had experienced an explosive decompression in the aft cargo hold in June 1972. Additionally, the handle moved a metal plug into a vent cut in the outer hatch panel. As far as investigators were able to tell, there was no way that Berkz and Ulusman could have recovered. Mr. Yasunori Takashima, 23, bank management trainee Passenger doors are designed based on this principle. Hurt called this an interesting legal and moral problem. And in the end, he chose the legal over the moral. Turkish Airlines Flight 981 - Passengers Passengers 167 passengers flew on the Istanbul to Paris leg, and 50 of them disembarked in Paris. Mr. Desmond Armstrong Reay, 59, company director Mr. Anders Sipo Qunta, 59, married, one child, doctor and his wife Margaret Mary, 60 Miss Prudence Hedley Pratt, 30, fashion model As soon as airline officials became aware of the hundreds of empty seats aboard the Turkish DC-10, they began to fill them at an astonishing rate. Mr. John Frederick Slater, 33, married, steward and his wife Gloria, 31, and their daughter Nadine Nicolas, 4 Employees at British European Airways had gone on strike in order to secure higher pay ahead of a planned merger with BOAC, and all across Europe, passengers who had been scheduled with BEA were making their way to Paris to find a flight, any flight, back to London. Mr. Peter William Woolvett, 25, fashion designer The First Officer was Oral Ulusman, age 38, he had been with Turkish Airlines for five years at the time of the accident, with a total of 5,589 flight hours. He got up on the step ladder, held down the button until he thought he heard the latches close, and then shut the locking handle. Mr. Abdul kazzak Lak-Hani, 34, married, two children, importer, SENEGALESE [3] The explosion also damaged cables needed to fly the aircraft. The plane had landed at Orly Airport, Paris, where it was to drop off a group of passengers and continue on its way. Mahmoudi had been told that this was the responsibility of the Turkish Airlines ground engineer who was permanently stationed at Orly Airport. Mr. Edwin William Wardley, 46, married, five children, leather merchant Investigation showed that the handles on the hatches could be improperly forced shut without the latching pins locking in place. Mr. Maurice Clive Morris, 40, numismatist McGowen allegedly promised that the DC-10s would be fixed by Friday and that there was no need for an AD; everything could be resolved through a sort of informal gentlemens agreement., This gentlemens agreement blindsided the Western regional office, but there was nothing they could do; the order had come from the very top. He accelerated the engines back to full power, but the number two engine in the tail refused to respond. Miss Lucie Ludmilla Loubenzow, 26, secretary Mr. Masaki Hayashi, 24, trading company management trainee Little did they know that the largely empty DC-10 was about to become ground zero for the effort to move hundreds of stranded travelers onward to London. Mrs. Diana Connelly, 43, married, one child, shorthand-typist Instead, the hatch was designed to open outward, allowing cargo to be stored directly behind it. Turkish Airlines flight TK981 took off from Paris at around 12:30 noon. Turkish Airlines flight 981, a 4th most catastrophic aviation disaster in history, was caused by serious flaw by McDonnell Douglas, and this only disaster made a serious impact on aviation market, also the existence of the McDonnell Douglas company. The first leg of the Istanbul-Paris-London flight of Turkish Airlines with flight number 981 was completed without any problems. One easy way to do this is to create a plug door, which opens inward and is bigger than its frame, causing the interior pressure to force it ever more tightly closed as the plane climbs; such a door is all but impossible to open in flight. If he tried to turn too far to the left using the ailerons, this could, counterintuitively, result in a spin to the right. En 1974, les familles endeuilles se recueillent dans lhorreur absolue du site dvast. The NTSB was also shocked by the FAAs refusal to implement its recommendations. An electric motor called the latch actuator then drives the latches clockwise around the spools using a hinged extension mechanism. All these risks had already become evident, nineteen months earlier, at the time of the Windsor accident, but no efficacious corrective action had followed. CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of notable decompression accidents and incidents, List of airliner crashes involving loss of control, Accident to Turkish Airlines DC-10 TC-JAV in the Ermenonville Forest on 3 March 1974 Final Report, ASN Aircraft accident Boeing 747SR-46 JA8119 Ueno, Pre-crash photo at Hamburg Airport taken from courtesy of M. Maibrink, Bureau d'Enqutes et d'Analyses pour la Scurit de l'Aviation Civile,, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2008, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Articles needing additional references from July 2014, Articles needing additional references from February 2011, Articles with French-language external links, Airliner accidents and incidents caused by design or manufacturing errors, Airliner accidents and incidents caused by in-flight structural failure, Airliner accidents and incidents involving in-flight depressurization, Aviation accidents and incidents in France, Accidents and incidents involving the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, About Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core, Aircraft design flaw, cargo door failure leading to. [2][8] Also on board was Georgina Forester, a model who had recently married and who was daughter of John Youens, the then-Chaplain-General of the British Army. However, he closed the door with excessive force. Technically this might have been true, but it missed a rather more salient point: that a door which could fail violently, possibly resulting in the loss of the airplane, if one lowly mechanic deviated slightly from proper procedure, was quite simply an accident waiting to happen. About 2 years before this accident, an American Airlines plane in Windsor, USA, had a disaster for the same reason. After an extended and chaotic boarding process, ground crews prepared flight 981 for departure shortly after noon. At that time, American flight safety officials detected the problem in the cargo door of the DC-10 aircraft and reported it to the relevant units. Mr. Kenneth Christopher Doran, 60, married, retired air force officer and his wife Phyllis Gertrude, 52, two children Mrs. Anna Philomena Middleton, 47, married, personnel director On 3 March 1974, the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed into the Ermenonville Forest, outside Paris, killing all 346 people on board. B. Four of the five crew members and 62 of the 68 passengers were killed. [2] An investigation after the crash found out that one of the cargo doors at the rear of the aircraft was not properly closed and secured. How many passengers were on Turkish Airlines Flight 981? There were a total of 346 people on board, of which 335 were passengers and 11 were crew members. Any faster and the plane could break apart in midair. Mr. Hubert James Davies, 49, married, two children, lawyer Miss Betty Franqoise Wormser, 21, student, Mr. Omer Faruk Afir, 21, student The 747 had a small plug-type vent door within the cargo door, which was driven closed by the lock tube itself; if the lock tube did not fully extend, the vent door would not close, indicating that the door was not locked. The flight crew were all Turkish. Douglas pilots and engineers who were stationed in Istanbul to assist Turkish Airlines found that their job was nearly impossible and lamented that the airline wouldnt be ready to operate the DC-10s on its own for years. Mr. Robert G, Rcynaud, 43, married, tvro children, sales supervisor Mr. Yuji Okamura, 23, bank management trainee Mr. Mario Jorge de Souza Castanon, 26, architect But the change was voluntary, and airlines were slow to adopt it; by the time of the flight 96 incident, American Airlines had yet to fit the new wire to its DC-10 cargo doors. A dense, white fog filled the plane as water vapor instantly condensed out of the air. The eight flight attendants, certain that they would have little to do, sat chatting in the cabin; the pilots, having placed their plane into a steady climb, admired a Boeing 747 overtaking them in the near distance. In service, however, the electric actuators turned out to be a major annoyance, because they suffered frequent voltage drops that prevented them from driving the latches fully closed. However, the Aircraft was just past 11,000 feet (3,300 meters) when an explosion sounded from the cabin. The aircraft is carrying 167 passengers, most of whom are Turkish. In no uncertain terms, Applegate explained that even if the fundamentally flawed cargo door was fixed, the floor design could still lead to disaster. It had 12 six-abreast first-class seats and 333 nine-abreast economy seats, for a total of 345 passenger seats. One way or another, it was going to be a rough landing. As a result, the layover increased from the normal one hour to one hour and thirty minutes. As a result, the engineer failed to notice the problem, and the FAA accepted that the vent door met regulatory requirements even though it clearly did not. Flight 981 and American Airlines Flight 96 were examined in "Behind Closed Doors", an episode from the fifth season of the Canadian National Geographic Channel series Mayday (US series title: Air Disasters; international title: Air Crash Investigation). Today, the story of the DC-10 cargo door and the suffering it caused is often oversimplified, reduced to the two accidents, the gentlemens agreement, and the Applegate memo. There was nothing actually wrong with Applegates argument, he wrote in his official reply the possibility of failure was real, as was the likelihood that Convair would be held liable in the event of a crash. The collapse also severed the cables that controlled the number two engine and the left elevator, while the right elevator cable was crimped within a buckled floor section, making it difficult to move. But McDonnell Douglas felt that if they could get a Middle Eastern airline to buy the DC-10, then the rest of the region might follow suit, giving them a major new market. Upon exiting the plane, the cause of all their difficulties was plainly apparent: the rear cargo door had somehow opened in flight. Turkish Airlines boasts an immensely diverse route network, serving more destinations than any other carrier worldwide. On the Turkish side, Air Force officials who were deeply involved in the management of the airline also liked the idea of the DC-10. Miss Fani Ime, 21, student First Officer Oral Ulusman, 38, had 5,600 hours flying time, and Flight Engineer Erhan zer, 37, had 2,120 flying hours experience. Mr. Abel Roger Donnat, 21, assistant personnel manager However, a number of factors eventually compelled them to agree to the purchase of three of the orphaned DC-10s sitting at Long Beach Airport. Lannier and the other first responders had come upon a scene which could only be described as apocalyptic. It took off in an easterly direction, then turned to the north to avoid flying directly over Paris. his wife Ouida Rae, 38, their son Clark, 12 and their daughter Kailan, 15 To the NTSBs surprise, however, the FAA declined to mandate either of its proposed changes. Mr. John Winston Winterton, 63, married, three children, industrialist and his wife Winifred, 61, company director Mr. Nicholas Jeremy Stewart Fripp, 25, married, one child, wine merchant Mrs. Vildan Yardimci, 24, married, civil servant Technological advances were able to eliminate most of these problems, though. Nevertheless, after six months McDonnell Douglas ordered them to come home after THY announced it could no longer afford to pay the manufacturers minimum fee for the services. Mr. Rasiklal N. Kothary, 40, married, one child, textile industrialist Mr. Ashok Ramanlal Shah, 37, married, three children, industrialist, MOROCCAN The balance of the plane was disturbed when about 300 people moved forward. The pilots tried to save their crippled plane, but the pitch controls had been destroyed, sending the plane into an irrecoverable dive, and the jet crashed less than two minutes later in the Ermenonville Forest, killing all 346 passengers and crew. Also, there was an indicator light in the cockpit, controlled by a switch actuated by the locking pin mechanism, that remained lit unless the cargo hatch was correctly latched. The concept of over-centering is found most commonly in a household light switch: once the switch is pushed past the center point, it will slip into the opposite detent, and only a new force equal to the original force will push it back. This defective closing of the door resulted from a combination of various factors: Finally although there was apparent redundancy of the flight control systems, the fact that the pressure relief vents between the cargo compartment and the passenger cabin were inadequate and that all the flight control cables were routed beneath the floor placed the aircraft in grave danger in the case of any sudden depressurization causing substantial damage to that part of the structure. 737-800 Passenger Service Unit . On March 3, 1974, the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed into the Ermenonville forest outside Paris, killing all 346 people on board. Final Report (Archive, Alternate) Bureau d'Enqutes et d'Analyses pour la Scurit de l'Aviation Civile Translation by the United Kingdom Department of Trade Accidents Investigation Branch, February 1976. Mr. Peter Frederick Warnett, 36, married, one child, technical services representative The narrative reads like a novel, complete with dynamic characters and gripping plot lines. When the arm of the latch actuator is fully extended, the hinge is pushed over-center, and the only way to bend the hinge back the other way is to retract the actuator arm. Excessive force from Paris at around 12:30 noon and Ulusman could have recovered was just past feet... Factors, interface design, and engineering responsibility engines back to full power, but the two! Direction, then turned to the north to avoid flying directly over Paris American Airlines had an... The NTSB was also known as the Ermenonville air disaster, from the forest where the crashed. 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turkish airlines flight 981 passenger list