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bom mildura observations

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Wouldnt it be possible to simply put an electronic probe and a classic thermometer into a Stevenson enclosure or a temperature controlled environment for comparison? The crew of Qantas 735 had started collecting weather information proactively prior to this point. Conversely, if crew are not aware, or primed, of a situation they may not recognise relevant information that could assist their decision making. The flight crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 reported assessing the Mildura weather prior to diverting from Adelaide Airport. I am dragging up my old university stats to understand what you are on about. 3.3.6 Where ATC units provide both FIS and ATC service, the provision of ATC service will take precedence over the provision of FIS whenever the provision of ATC service so requires. Special reports (SPECI) are issued by the BoM whenever weather conditions fluctuate about or are below specified criteria, including significant weather, temperature, QNH or wind changes. The aircraft tracked to the north-east of the aerodrome and the crew informed ATC that they would conduct an instrument landing system (ILS) approach to runway 23 and then land using the aircraft's autoland system. For further information on the history of the changes to FIS and hazard alerting, see appendix D. The AIP GEN 3.5 section 11 contained information for pilots in relation to broadcasting an air report (AIREP). These, and other factors, are investigated in detail in ATSB research report AR-2013-200. On the day of the A320 occurrence, moisture levels were higher to the north of Adelaide, with fog forming at Edinburgh at 0730. Officers may, at times, experience situations not specifically covered whereby the safety of an aircraft may be considered to be in doubt. While runway 16 at Melbourne Airport met the requirements of flight instrument procedures requiring autoland capability, on the morning of the occurrence, the forecast for Melbourne was for low cloud and a 30 per cent chance of fog until 1000. The BoM reported that the fog forecasting procedure for Adelaide Airport used various inputs, including a computer model, observed wind speed and direction at 2,000 ft, surface wind speed, recent precipitation, dew point depression, the position of high pressure systems, and dew point as a function of time of year. The only section in the AIP that defined hazard alerting procedures stated: A sudden (not forecast NOTAMed) change to a component of FIS having an immediate and detrimental effect on the safety of an aircraft will be communicated by ATC using the prefix Hazard Alert. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to elders both past and present. These included in the areas of: A review of the ATSB occurrence database was conducted for the period January 2009March 2015 in order to determine the number of unforecast weather occurrences reported in this time. However, had the 0918 SPECI been disseminated, each crew would have been informed of the developing deterioration at Mildura. In response the forecaster contacted the BoM observer located at Mildura Airport. The ATSB asked CASA for a ruling on the use of observations in-flight. On the morning on 23 June 2015, the crew of a Bombardier DHC-8, registered VH-XFQ, prepared for a flight from Perth to Darlot, Western Australia. In support of this decision, the flight following personnel understood that as this flight was not being actively flight followed, the flight crew would, as part of their normal responsibilities, be actioning any weather updates. Upon arrival at Mildura, the actual weather conditions were significantly different to those forecast, in particular with visibility reduced in fog. OVERLAY Radar - Rain - Beta. A Boeing 737 aircraft had been able to land on runway 05 following a VOR/DME approach, so the A320 crew attempted to conduct a similar approach. [8] As the AWIS for Mildura was not broadcasting due to an unserviceability, the inbound aircraft could not obtain this information from the AWIS (see the section titled Aerodrome weather information service). Obviously todays scientists are too smart for the basics. It is also worth noting that the separation workload is generally greater than normal when weather disrupts the usual flow of traffic. Observations; Sydney Observations; All NSW Observations; Rainfall & River Conditions; VIC. - Occurs when the main wing tanks differ by more than 453 kg (1,000 lbs). While the 0700 amended TAF and 0800 TTF were not required to be sent to the crew under Virgins flight following procedures, not passing the weather removed an important source of information regarding the deteriorating conditions at Adelaide. In addition, improved conditions could be expected from 1000 as the wind was forecast to tend southerly and both fog and low cloud were rare in a southerly flow at Mildura. Fax:(03) 5021 1899 The crew reported that as they descended toward the revised minimum, the extent of the cloud reduced and they gained sufficient visual reference of the runway environment to continue the approach. This predicted clearing time was also used by the flight following personnel at Virgin to inform their decision not to pass the 0800 TTF to the crew of Velocity 1384. Specifically, ERSA section 4 Hazard alerts (GEN-FIS-2) and Jeppesen Meteorology reports and advisories section 4.4, Hazard alerts defined hazard alerts without specifying that they were limited to a sudden change to a component of FIS not described in a current MET product or NOTAM. Data from the CVR indicated that the crew actioned the low fuel and fuel imbalance checklists from memory. In relation to Mildura, the first time the systems supervisor became aware that the conditions were deteriorating was on receipt at around 0930 of a telephone call from the Mildura aerodrome reporting officer (ARO). The section relating to the provision of FIS was substantially the same as version 7 of the MATS. As a result of this process, Airservices amended the AIP and MATS to reflect that SPECIs would no longer be broadcast to pilots if an ABS (such as AWIS) was available. Cleanliness. In addition, the forecaster believed that once formed, the fog would dissipate fairly rapidly. On completion of this initial research, the ATSB will progressively examine the weather forecast reliability at all Australian major airports. Under Part 4, Division 2 (Investigation Reports), Section 26 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (the Act), the ATSB may provide a draft report, on a confidential basis, to any person whom the ATSB considers appropriate. Ltd. and Qantas Airways Ltd. The aircraft had departed Brisbane at about 0630 that morning and carried sufficient fuel for the flight to Adelaide. They say that they have conducted their own tests/comparison, and their electronic probe is comparable to mercury. Consequently, the aircraft did not carry fuel for holding at Adelaide or for diversion to an alternate airport. As such, the TTF was not passed to the flight crew. This was my thought exactly after reading Jennifers Spectator article. Here is what vindication looks like: The Velocity 1384 FO replied that they were in the same boat but, after discussion between the captain and FO of Velocity 1384, they elected to hold and allow Qantas735to continue with the approach. TCZMONTH Page 1. This included to equipment used in forecasting. The fuel on board at take-off from Sydney was 7,900 kg, as recorded on operational documentation. The captain was the pilot flying and the first officer (FO) was the pilot monitoring. The captain obtained the TAF for Leinster, which was about 30NM (56km) to the west of Darlot and, after determining it was suitable to do so, nominated Leinster as the alternate aerodrome. PS The silence accorded the Bureau by the mainstream media for all of their indiscretions is much more complete than that ever accorded Barnaby Joyce. There was a slight improvement before it again reduced below 1,000 m at 0959, remaining there until 1026 when there were further fluctuations. A routine weather report (METAR) is issued at fixed times, hourly or half hourly. The fuel quantity remaining is indicated in tonnes on the upper display unit (Figure4). This included provision of unforecast weather conditions to flight crew. There were two additional opportunities for the crew of Velocity 1384 to become aware of the deteriorating weather at Adelaide while en route. Slight chance of a shower in the afternoon and evening. At 0936 the controller made a broadcast on the area frequency to traffic at Mildura, informing them of the details of the 0932 SPECI. Various supervisors in Melbourne Centre advised that they were aware that the weather in Adelaide was deteriorating. ATSB Recommendation No: AO-2013-100-SR-057. The arrival time of Velocity 1384 was planned for 0920, which was after the forecast clearance of the fog. - Inhibited when centre tank quantity is less than 363 kg (800 lbs). Landing below minima due to fog involving Boeing 737s, VH-YIR and VH-VYK, Mildura Airport, Victoria on 18 June 2013, forecasting and distribution of weather information by the Bureau of Meteorology, provision of weather and operational information by Airservices Australia to all aircraft that were affected by the reduced visibility at Adelaide, provision of weather and operational information to those aircraft by the operators. Specifically, weather conditions were observed below the landing minima 0.99 per cent of the time, and below the alternate minima about 2.6 per cent of the time at Mildura Airport between 2009 and 2013. Irrespective, the extent and duration of the deterioration meant that even meeting the TEMPO fuel requirement, this would not have provided sufficient fuel to hold until the fog and low cloud at Mildura cleared sufficiently. As such, both crews were able to land under the provisions of CAR 257(5). While the BoM had additional sources from which to obtain information about the developing deterioration at Mildura Airport, including an on-site observer, this may not be the case for all airports. Slight chance of a shower. Figure 1: Approximate aircraft positions at 0700, when the amended forecast for Adelaide was issued with a 30 per cent probability of fog, Figure 2: Approximate aircraft positions at 0800, when the trend forecast for Adelaide was issued with fog conditions forecast to lift at 0900, Figure 3: Approximate aircraft positions at 0900, just prior to initiating the diversion to Mildura. Due to unforecast weather in Adelaide, both aircraft diverted to an alternate airport at Mildura, Victoria. The Hazard Alerting service is provided by ATC and provides pilots with information that is assessed by ATC to be of an unexpected and critical nature, and could assist pilots to avoid hazardous situations. The following nonroutine events were examined: The time period for this review was July 2008 to December 2013. Fuel required to enable the aircraft to fly from that point to 1500 ft above an adequate aerodrome, make an approach and land; and, Variable Reserve based on the point above but not more than the Maximum Variable Reserve; and, Fuel to provide for WX [weather] holding, if the weather at the selected adequate aerodrome is forecast to be below the applicable alternate minima or a probability of thunderstorms is forecast; and, Fuel to provide for any required TFC [traffic] holding at the selected adequate aerodrome; and. Under the forecast priority guidance, issuing an amended aerodrome forecast (TAF) for Category B airports, such as Mildura, is ranked below the need to create information concerning en route weather phenomena that may affect the safety of aircraft operations (SIGMET). They also had sufficient fuel to hold for about 45 minutes beyond their planned arrival time. This was based on the knowledge that the cloud base would preclude becoming visual via a normal approach. The provision of FIS under this system is similar to that provided by Airservices, in that it is primarily pilotinitiated (or upon request). Winds southerly 20 to 30 km/h becoming light in the late evening. Virgin and Qantas each had a flight dispatch and operations facility that supported flight crew by preparing flight plan packages (including applicable weather, notices to airmen (NOTAM) and diversion information). A second review of the ATSB occurrence database was conducted to examine the level of assistance provided by ATC to flight crew and identify any systemic issues. The aircraft landed on runway 27 with the required fuel reserves intact and the crew reported that the runway was visible once they descended below the cloud. These conditions include thunderstorms, hail storms and fog. The reasons for reviewing Trend Forecast services include: Aviation Cameras for Forecasters (AvCam). As a consequence, the data for this period from the mercury thermometer is not normally distributed, as shown in Figure 1. Twenty of those years were as duty manager. At 0953, Velocity 1384 informed ATC that they would have to declare a fuel emergency in 10minutes. As MATS did not require the provision of SPECI reports at airports that have an ABS such as AWIS, in order for pilots to become aware of a deterioration, they must either access the AWIS or request those observations from ATC. However, that attempt resulted in a second missed approach. LOW VIS PROCSWND 360/5, MAX DW 5 KTS.VIS 700M IN FOGCLD FEW015TMP 5.QNH 1020, SPECI YPAD 172205Z 01006KT 0500N 2000 FG FEW022 04/04 Q1020RMK RF00.0/000.0TTF: FM2205 01005KT 0500 FGFM2300 05005KT 9999 FEW025, SPECI YPAD 172215Z 02006KT 0250N 0500 FG BKN001 04/04 Q1020RMK RF00.0/000.0TTF: FM2300 05005KT 9999 FEW025, SPECI YPAD 172230Z 04005KT 0150 FG BKN001 06/05 Q1020RMK RF00.0/000.0TTF: FM2300 05005KT 9999 FEW025, METAR YMIA 172230Z 27004KT 9999 BKN034 06/05 Q1019RMK RF00.0/000.2, ATIS YPAD X 172230APCH EXP INST APCHRWY 23OPR INFO HIAL ON. Orasanu, JM 1993, Decision-making in the cockpit, in EL Wiener, BG Kanki & RL Helmreich (Eds.) The BoM reported that fog was not included in the 0700 TTF as the surface winds did not support the formation of fog. The BoM, however, claims that temperature measurements from electronic probes are nevertheless comparable with measurements from mercury thermometers because the BoMs purpose-designed probes closely mirror the behaviour of liquid-in-glass thermometers, including the time constant. This project aims to develop a new national climatological interface for the display and interpretation of climate information at aerodromes and key aviation locations (due to be completed in 2017). In the US, FIS is available from four types of service providers and operates independently of ATC, but in some cases will be a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)operated service. As a result, neither crew was required to carry additional fuel to that calculated for the flight to Adelaide, which included the mandatory fuel reserves. Concerned about your property? The Tailem Bend en route sector comprised the airspace from 36 NM (67 km) to 140 NM (259 km) to the east of Adelaide Airport. Manual checking a Mercury thermometer is not my job. I have gone over some of the design steps that would need to be done and they are too complicated to trust without checking. The predicted clearance of the fog at 0900 on the 0800 TTF was used by the crew of Qantas735to inform their decision to continue to Adelaide from the point at which they could have returned to Sydney. It was also fitted with a Head-up Guidance System (HGS), which is located on the captains side. This arrangement is consistent with the service provided by Airservices. Copyright Commonwealth of Australia , Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) | Disclaimer | Privacy | Accessibility. The reviews, and subsequent procedural amendments, resulted in a number of changes in the way in which SPECI reports were handled by the air traffic control system and the way in which this information was relayed to pilots in flight. As with the broadcast of weather observations via ATIS, an AWIS does not append the words METAR or SPECI to weather observations that are broadcast via AWIS. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe. The bureau needs a big shake-up from the top down. The second was the issue of an Aeronautical Information Circular, effective 12 March 2009 that was intended to provide education on changes to the delivery of the SPECI and ARFOR elements of the ATC initiated Flight Information Service (FIS). Upon request from an aircraft, a FIC [flight information centre] provides: (i) meteorological information: SIGMET, AIRMET, PIREP [pilot report], aviation routine weather report (METAR), aviation selected special weather report (SPECI), aerodrome forecast (TAF), altimeter setting, weather radar, lightning information and briefing update; (ii) aeronautical information: NOTAM, RSC [runway surface condition], CRFI [Canadian runway friction index], MANOT [missing aircraft notices] and other information of interest for flight safety; and. In New Zealand, FIS is defined as: 3.3.7 FIS will include the provision of available and relevant information concerning: (b) weather conditions reported or forecast, at departure, destination, and alternative aerodromes; (Table GEN 3.3-3 lists aerodrome MET information available in-flight on request from ATS). And they fail! accesses the ABS at a time when the SPECI information is available. Overall, given the intent of the supporting systems, the individual actions were predominately reasonable for the information the individuals had at the time. The approach was being conducted in instrument meteorological conditions. The Bureau of Meteorology advised of various system changes and improvements in response to this occurrence. The trend was for visibility to decrease to 500 m in fog before clearing at 0900to a visibility in excess of 10 km and few cloud. The Bureau have consistently said I am raising a non-issue: that there is no difference between the measurements from mercury thermometers and their electronic probes while never providing any actual reports or data to back-up this claim. The result of these reviews was reflected in changes to the AIP and to MATS in March 2009. Mildura past 24 hours of temperature, wind, humidity and rain with graphs and archived historical data from Farmonline Weather. As the conditions had deteriorated below this minima, the RNAV GNSS approach could not be conducted in normal operations. The highest annual total for such events was nine, as recorded in 1956 and 1983. View the current warnings for Victoria. In addition, dissemination of the AIREP to both Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 when they came on frequency would have ensured they were aware of the deterioration at Mildura prior to arriving overhead the airport. Latest Weather Observations for Mildura IDV60801 Issued at 9:22 am EDT Monday 16 January 2023 (issued every 10 minutes, with the page automatically refreshed every 10 minutes) About weather observations | Map of weather stations | Latest weather observations for VIC | Other Formats Station Details ID: 076031 Name: MILDURA AIRPORT Lat: -34.24 On 23 September 2017, a new record hot day for Victoria was claimed at the Mildura airport using an electronic probe in an automatic weather station (AWS) housed in a Stevenson screen. The CVR recorded discussion between the crew about the position of the fuel pumps and crossfeed valve. Although only one component of ABS, AWIS is the most prevalent ABS supporting nonmajor airports in Australia. Partly cloudy. In addition, the BoM uses a non-standard method of recording temperatures from such devices. The crew attempted two ILS approaches before using autoland to land on runway 21 in weather conditions that were below the prescribed landing minima for the ILS. Civil Aviation Regulation 1988 (CAR) subregulation 257(4) specified that if an element of the meteorological minima for landing is less than that determined for the aircraft operation at the aerodrome, the aircraft must not land at that aerodrome. While the increase in data was a benefit to BoM, an unexpected outcome was the production of numerous AUTO SPECI reports. MATS version7, effective on 11 March 2009, amended the examples of non-routine meteorological products to selected SPECI reports under the Scope of FIS section. The BoM claims that measurements from such devices are comparable to measurements from traditional mercury thermometers, which were used to measure official air temperatures at Mildura from 13 June 1889 until 1 November 1996. These conditions were reported back to Qantas 735 as including a visibility of 700 m in fog. The flight had been planned using a valid TAF for Sydney, which predicted conditions above the alternate minima for the flights arrival. Posted July 23, 2019. A SPECI is a special weather observation report that is triggered by a significant change in a set of parameters, including cloud and visibility. This was despite the fact that the AWIS was not broadcasting, as communicated in the NOTAM. Despite the fact that the crew of Velocity 1384 did not seek the weather information for Adelaide Airport, it is probable that had they become aware of the fog on the 0800 Adelaide TTF and its forecast clearance from 0900, they would have elected to continue to Adelaide. Additionally, the AWB for Adelaide included the potential for fog by way of a code grey, but the TAF issued at 1800 did not forecast fog. VOLMET broadcasts provide meteorological information for Australian major international airports and contain METAR/SPECI or trend forecast (TTF) information and the availability of SIGMETs[26]. Then, to discover new sampling stations are in different locations from the older ones but are assumed to be the same for temperature measurements is almost unbelievable. At 1130, the visibility had increased to greater than 10 km and the cloud was now listed as few at 300 ft. Further information on the Adelaide and Mildura forecasts and observations is in appendixC. The ICAO Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation does not permit the inclusion in a TAF of a probability of less than 30 per cent that a weather phenomenon, such as fog, may occur during the forecast period. This recommended that Airservices, as the issue owner, work in collaboration with the Bureau of Meteorology to instigate a system change to reinstate the alerting function of SPECI reports currently not available through an Automatic Broadcast Service. This included that At any time after dispatch, it is the PICs [pilot in command] responsibility to ensure the fuel on board is sufficient to allow for the safe operation of the aircraft to an adequate aerodrome. IN September 2017, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) claimed a series of new record hot days across south eastern Australia, including on 23 September at Mildura. The crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 reported having placed a greater weight on the observation reports for Mildura, given the ongoing forecast issues for Adelaide. The forecaster then issued an amended TAF at 0952 with a 30 per cent probability of fog, visibility 500 m and broken cloud at 200 ft AGL for 2 hours. The fog occurred at about 0015 WST. Current conditions, warnings and historical records WillyWeather 1,131 . The operations controller was responsible for overseeing the Virgin flight network, including coordinating air traffic control (ATC) slot times for arrivals. While the crew of Qantas 735 reported considering the implications of the TEMPO on the 0158Mildura TAF, and calculated that they had sufficient fuel to meet this requirement, the crew of Velocity1384 did not complete that consideration. The crew of Qantas 735 had been monitoring the Mildura weather through ACARS and heard the transmission by ATC of the METAR information to Velocity 1384. Despite this, it was still providing data to the BoM that was generated by the Mildura Automatic Weather Station. The dispatch duty manager had oversight of the dispatch and flight watch functions at Qantas Airways Ltd. (Qantas). 2 main wing tank remained constant. 1 tank had 887 kg and the No. About 10 minutes later, the TTF was amended to forecast fog to occur before the aircraft's arrival time. The TAF also included TEMPO periods between 0500 and 1000 in which the cloud base was forecast to reduce to 600 ft AGL. Prior to this point, about 5 minutes after takeoff, the crew of Qantas 735 sent a request via the aircraft communications addressing and reporting system for the current Aerodrome Terminal Information Service at Adelaide Airport. In relation to forecasts and warnings, the ASH outlined a framework for prioritising tasks. This aircraft, registered VH-VYK and operated by Qantas, was en route from Sydney, New South Wales to Adelaide before also diverting to Mildura. Light winds becoming southeasterly 15 to 20 km/h in the morning then becoming light in the middle of the day. Welcome to Kar-Rama Motor Inn, a nice option for travellers like you.,, Hyping Daily Maximum Temperatures (Part 1), Happy New Highest Tide for 2023 Sunday 22nd January, Fear, Flooding, Forecasting & Australias 2022 Official Rainfall Statistics, A Note on Obfuscation, the 2022 Climate Report, and my Latest Film. This service was structured to support the responsibility of pilots to obtain information inflight on which to base operational decisions relating to the continuation or diversion of a flight.. At locations where there is no authorised observer, or where the observer is not available, the observation generated has the word AUTO preceding the observation. That is, crews must carry sufficient fuel to meet the forecast requirements affecting a destination, even if the observations at that location indicate that the weather is suitable for an arrival. 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bom mildura observations