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terminal velocity of a horse

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Does terminal velocity exist in a vacuum?Ans: In a vacuum, since there is no drag force, the terminal velocity does not exist. If not, the sign of the drag force should be made negative since the object will be moving upwards, against gravity. Original Language: Of course if it were carefully f. Terminal velocity is achieved, therefore, when the speed of a moving object is no longer increasing or decreasing; the objects acceleration (or deceleration) is zero. Plants are necessary for all life on earth, whether directly or indirectly. Either we get rid of some of the lead or get a bigger horse. However, in some situations, one can use Newtons first law to compute the value of the terminal speed. Terminal Velocity is defined as the highest velocity attained by an object while falling through fluids (air or liquid). [6], The biologist J. Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity that can be reached by an object that is moving through a dissipative medium, that is, a medium that disperses energy. Quora From a 30 foot drop, a person is sure to die. The terminal velocity in such cases will have a negative value, corresponding to the rate of rising up. \( \Rightarrow F = 75.36 \times {10^{ 6}}{\rm{N}}\). The terminal velocity was 270m/s. The force experienced by falling raindrops and swinging pendulum bob are some common examples of such motion. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The coefficient of drag for the golf ball is taken as 0.389. So, initially, ball starts accelerating, and the speed starts increasing. Falling objects are the main terminal velocity examples. Now the object will no longer speed up and the velocity comes to be uniform as the acceleration equals to zero. If we knew exactly why the elephant had thought, Oh no, not again, we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we currently do. Example 1. In the case of the Tirpitz, the bomb should have just been able to penetrate 140mm effective homogenous armour with all the energy consumed, and this is just what happened. has to be reduced by the displaced fluid mass Usually, terminal velocity is reached asymptotically. Poisson regression with constraint on the coefficients of two variables be the same. Parachute. Given that, the density of air is \(1.25 kg/m^3\), the cross-sectional area of the bag is \(0.20m^2\) and the drag coefficient is 0.7. Does the drag force depend on the size of the object? When the buoyancy effects are taken into account, an object falling through a fluid under its own weight can reach a terminal velocity (settling velocity) if the net force acting on the object becomes zero. I don't know if my step-son hates me, is scared of me, or likes me? Upload unlimited documents and save them online. Thus in equilibrium, this constant velocity is called terminal velocity. Considering a circumference of 9.25 inches and 5.5 oz mass. See. Terminal velocity occurs when any accelerated body falling through the fluid attains a constant velocity and continues the same for the rest of the journey. When compared to their size and strength, theyre far too light they dont build up enough momentum to be damaged simply by falling. [1] NIST Special Publication 330 (2008) - "The International System of Units (SI)", edited by Barry N.Taylor and Ambler Thompson, p. 52, [2] "The International System of Units" (SI) (2006, 8th ed.). A needle falling horizontally, because its surface area perpendicular to the movement is larger. Considering a diameter of 2.1 cm and 1.25 oz mass. \(\eta = \) coefficient of viscosity of fluid. (ii)Upthrust or buoyancy force \(\left( {{F_t}} \right)\)acting vertically upwards. Terminal velocity can be achieved by an object provided it has enough distance to fall through so if you want to experience it, you need to jump from a high enough place (do not forget your parachute! That joke doesnt work. When people fall from great heights, they almost always die. - TICKETS FOR MY FIRST EVER SOLO TOUR THIS FALL: Velocity. Terminal velocity is the maximum value of the speed an object can reach while moving within a medium that dissipates energy (usually a fluid or gas). I recently saw a cat fall probably 100 feet like in this video Cat Falls. V The survivors are the lone exceptions to this rule. {\displaystyle Re\ll 1} An object dropped from a height will initially accelerate because of gravity. At terminal velocity, v is replaced by vT. Surviving a 50-foot fall, on the other hand, is doubtful. A mouse would not be harmed. the volume of the object. Terminal Velocity at high speeds with small objects and far distance, "ERROR: column "a" does not exist" when referencing column alias. {\displaystyle \rho V} This specific velocity of the falling object is called Terminal Velocity. Objects having a combination of lower mass and larger areas would have lower terminal velocity and vice versa. Disclaimer: I will not test out these claims, nor do I hope you do. There are around 1,300 species of tardigrades found throughout the world. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. Terminal Velocity. You can also adjust the units to find terminal velocity in mph. Upon rearranging the terms, the terminal velocity equation is: There are two types of factors that affect the terminal velocity: Let's first look at each object dependant factor: Drag coefficient: This parameter depends on the object's shape. Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. Since the atmosphere gets less dense the higher you go, there is less atmospheric drag, and terminal velocity increases with altitude. These different mediums or density variations could also come from different planetary environments. Let's consider an interesting example associated with motional emf. Any creature that can withstand an impact with terminal velocity has been discovered. @HorseVelocity. Q.4. Terminal velocity (v t) is equal to the square root of 2 times the product of mass (m) and gravitational acceleration (g) divided by the product of density (), cross sectional area (A) and the drag coefficient (C D ). A leaf falling from trees. An elephant has more surface area than a human, but it has much more mass than a human. The equation that gives terminal velocity, v_t formula is: The terminal velocity of a baseball is 91.84 mph. So $V_t \propto \sqrt{r}$. Deriving terminal velocity using mathematical terms according to the drag equation as follows: F = b v 2. In this case, the terminal speed increases to about 90m/s (300ft/s),[3] which is almost the terminal speed of the peregrine falcon diving down on its prey. Drag depends on the projected area, here represented by the object's cross-section or silhouette in a horizontal plane. The terminal velocity was calculated based on the speed of the air needed to make the bullet stop falling. 1 However, it has been argued that, after having reached terminal velocity, cats would orient their limbs horizontally such that their body hits the ground first. In many settings, we find that terminal velocity can be substituted by the term 'terminal speed' because the direction of movement is fixed or known, and we only care about the magnitude of the speed. I have documented the falling speeds of many small creatures, and the probabilities of dangerous injury/death. However, this relies on the substance as well. [10] You can drop a mouse down a thousand-yard mine shaft; and, on arriving at the bottom, it gets a slight shock and walks away. This means a skydiver with a mass of 75 kg achieves a terminal velocity of about 350 km/h while traveling in a pike (head first) position, minimizing the area and his drag. The downward speed of the ball will start increasing. What is terminal velocity? Look it up now! After 1s it's speed is 5,82 m/s. Using a stopping distance of 3 cm and a terminal velocity of 20 m/s gives an acceleration of 6666 m/2 or 680 g's. If I use a terminal velocity of 12.2 m/s, the stopping acceleration goes down to . What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? F =mg F = m g. See our full terms of service. Using the expression obtained by terminal velocity, we have, \(V_t^2\) = \( \frac {2 m g}{\rho A C_D}\), \(V_t^2\) = (2 50 9.8)/(1.25 .2 .7). Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. Create the most beautiful study materials using our templates. We observe that the viscous force is proportional to the velocity of the object, and it is opposite to the direction of motion. So an object with greater mass can have less terminal velocity if the area projected is greater assuming all other parameters are constant. At terminal velocity, the forces acting on the object are balanced so it is . Terminal settling velocity, commonly called terminal velocity or "settling velocity", is the velocity of a particle, falling in still air or another fluid, after it stops accelerating. For instance, the terminal velocity of a skydiver in a belly-to-earth direction will be lower than in the case where he pulls his limbs in. In algorithms for matrix multiplication (eg Strassen), why do we say n is equal to the number of rows and not the number of elements in both matrices? Everyone knows biking is fantastic, but only this Car vs. Bike Calculator turns biking hours into trees! As an object falls through the air, the velocity increases until a point where the gravitational pull is equal to the drag force on the object. [7], Using mathematical terms, terminal speedwithout considering buoyancy effectsis given by. Imagine that the law of gravitation in our nature was different from the one we know as Newtons law. If you are interested in velocity of a free falling object, check out our free fall calculator and free fall with air resistance calculator. Clearly from Drag Force expression we have, Here, F is the Drag force and b is the constant depending upon the type of Drag. What is the drag coefficient a measure of? No, we have to take into account the drag force of the air. Terminal velocity is the term for the speed an object reaches when the force of drag, or air resistance, pushing against it is equal to the force of gravity pulling it down. If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Terminal Velocity Calculator", [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 18 Jan, 2023]. (Solved). Plants have a crucial role in ecology. $m$ is the mass of the falling object, A typical terminal velocity for a parachutist who delays opening the chute is about 150 miles (240 kilometres) per hour. Is a rat just too aerodynamic for a similar fall? Thanks for contributing an answer to Physics Stack Exchange! In mathematics, place value refers to the relative importance of each digit in a number. Terminal velocity or terminal speed is the maximum value of the speed an object can reach while moving within a medium that dissipates energy (usually a fluid or gas). As a result, mice and rats swarmed the coal mines, where they subsisted on the crusts of the miners lunch sandwiches. What are the units of the drag coefficient? In general, a person falling through the air on Earth reaches terminal velocity after about 12 seconds, which covers about 450 meters or 1500 feet. A typical terminal velocity for a parachutist who delays opening the chute is about 150 miles (240 kilometres) per hour. Thus in equilibrium, this constant velocity is called terminal velocity. using our calculator. Substituting proper values in Eq. Due to the high area to mass ratio, squirrels survive terminal velocity and don't experience injuries and physical damage. From Stokes' solution, the drag force acting on the sphere of diameter A hail stone of 1 centimetre (0.39 in) in diameter falls at a rate of 9 metres per second (20 mph), while stones the size of 8 centimetres (3.1 in) in diameter fall at a rate of 48 metres per second (110 mph). The principle is also applied in the falling sphere viscometer, an experimental device used to measure the viscosity of highly viscous fluids, for example oil, paraffin, tar etc. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. What will be the drag force on the body due to the fluid? Lets look at some of the commonly asked questions about Terminal Velocity: Q.1. A more practical form of this equation can be obtained by making the substitution 2 = .mw-parser-output .sfrac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .sfrac.tion,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .tion{display:inline-block;vertical-align:-0.5em;font-size:85%;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .num,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{display:block;line-height:1em;margin:0 0.1em}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{border-top:1px solid}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}ACd/2mg. We are not to be held responsible for any resulting damages from proper or improper use of the service. Evolution of speed with respect to time for a situation where terminal speed is reached from above (blue) and below (red). where, r = radius of the body, v = terminal velocity and. Well related to it: SD classic: Do cats always land unharmed on their feet, no matter how far they fall? I think the OP's question stems from the fact that the squirrel's terminal velocity of 24.2 m/s is higher than the velocity it would reach simply falling 5.0 meters. Are you sure that you use enough? On what does this depend? This law gives an expression for the viscous force experienced by a body (a spherical) moving through a fluid. The forces acting on the sphere are: (i)Weight \(\left( w \right)\) of the sphere which is acting vertically downwards. So instead of . The cat fell $75\ \rm m$ without the help of the parachute, and it survived the landing pretty unscathed. In fluid dynamics an object is moving at its terminal velocity if its speed is constant due to the restraining force exerted by the fluid through which it is moving. What does Terminal Velocity depend on? The drag force for fluids grows with their density. Consider a small sphere shown in Fig. An elephants terminal velocity would be substantially higher than a persons - terminal velocity is proportial to the square root of (m/A) where m is the mass of the object falling and A is the area the object presents to the air resisting its fall. In comparison to their size and strength, they are far too light, and as a result, they do not build up enough momentum to be damaged even in free fall. It is sometimes termed as a threshold stage when any object is falling so fast it stops speeding up and attains a constant value. The Sunbathing Calculator will tell you when's the time to go back under an umbrella not to suffer from a sunburn! This means a skydiver with a mass of 75 kg achieves a terminal velocity of about 350 km/h while traveling in a headfirst position, minimizing the area and his drag. A cat would likely be injured or killed. When a body falls through a fluid, as shown inFig. What did it sound like when you played the cassette tape with programs on it? Ans: Terminal velocity is the point at which the drag force equals the force of gravity. Hence, terminal velocity will depend on the mass, cross-sectional area, and drag coefficient of the object, as well as the density of the fluid through which the object is falling and gravitational acceleration. 142143. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. $ V_t$ is terminal velocity, I dont really know much about horses though. terminal velocity noun : the limiting uniform velocity attained by a falling body when the resistance of the air has become equal to the force of gravity Love words? The velocity of the body moving through the fluid at this point of equilibrium is termed as the Terminal Velocity. How do I submit an offer to buy an expired domain? For a typical 150 grain, .30-cal, spire point, jacketed. Our online calculators, converters, randomizers, and content are provided "as is", free of charge, and without any warranty or guarantee. Ltd.: All rights reserved, Distance Time Graph: Explained with its Importance, Heat Energy: Learn its Formula, Sources, and Uses, Learn the Relation Between G and g & Their Derivation, Lindlar Catalyst: Learn the Concept, Preparation, Reaction Mechanism, & Uses, Critical Velocity: Learn its Formula, Types, & Importance. e Terminal Velocity is the story that brought the Speed Force to the Flash mythology for the first time, giving readers their first look at just what it is that gives the speedsters their power. Have all your study materials in one place. If someone told you that you should listen to Joe Rogan Why do most young people skew left politically? Create and find flashcards in record time. So it is clearly determined by dust and fluid's properties. Mathematically, terminal velocitywithout considering buoyancy effectsis given by V t = 2 m g A C d where V t is terminal velocity, m is the mass of the falling object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, C d is the drag coefficient, is the density of the fluid through which the object is falling, and A is the projected area of the object. In creative mode, you can fly higher, and could potentially . Ant reaches terminal velocity in 2.7 seconds. A sky diver (Charlie Sheen) lands in the middle of a deadly spy caper with his student (Nastassja Kinski), who is not what she appears to be. Again, this is only a best-case scenario, so you'd likely need much more than that, and 78cm (31in) is already . $C_d$ is the drag coefficient, Dated a woman 3 times, her birthday is in 10 days, is it Why is there a pregnant dad emoji? The pages of screenshots of the 3D Models I made in the past, I posted them on my alt account but now based on current events, I decided I will share these screenshots of the 3d models in form of pages here on my main. This app is available on Android version. Required fields are marked *. Take drag coefficient as 0.7. It occurs when the sum of the drag force and the buoyancy is equal to the downward force of gravity acting on the object. If required mat thickness scales linearly with velocity (which it doesn't, it's probably even worse than that, so this is probably a best-case scenario), that means you'd need 78cm (31in) of pad to take an impact at terminal velocity. Terminal Velocity. The viscous force plus buoyant force becomes equal to the force due to gravity, and so does the acceleration. As a falling object approaches its terminal velocity, the net force is observed to decrease as the air resistance force increases. The creeping flow results can be applied in order to study the settling of sediments near the ocean bottom and the fall of moisture drops in the atmosphere. Dogs are almost certain to perish in the fall. Skydiver, with his arms, stretched. I feel like youd have to drop a horse out of a plane to figure this out. The steady speed at which an object free falls is known as the terminal velocity. Thus in equilibrium, when the viscous force plus buoyant force becomes equal to force due to gravity, the net force becomes zero, so we can write: After this net force on the sphere is zero and it moves downwards with a constant velocity calledterminal velocity \(\left( {{v_t}} \right)\). Where b is the constant depending on the type of drag. The terminal velocity of a skydiver in a free-fall position, where they're falling with their belly towards the Earth is about 195 km/h (122 mph). B. S. Haldane wrote, .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, To the mouse and any smaller animal [gravity] presents practically no dangers. Because terminal velocity depends on drag and an object's cross-section, there is no one speed for terminal velocity. What's the terminal velocity of an elephant and would would happen when it landed? {\displaystyle V} Death can occur years after a person has been injured. Velocity-Time GraphCan you annotate what the velocity-time graph shows for a parachute . Certainly a horse will do so. Quora, S.B., Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979. SD classic: Do cats always land unharmed on their feet, no matter how far they fall. V Using the equation of terminal velocity: vt = 2 m g/ A CD, the value of terminal velocity of a falling object can be calculated. Why did OpenSSH create its own key format, and not use PKCS#8? This terminal velocity becomes much smaller after the parachute opens. It looks like Friedman was a bit optimistic here. Sign up to highlight and take notes. Lets Derive an expression for the terminal Velocity in accordance with the Drag equation. I could generalize that weight and body shape are the main factors that determine the speed and danger of terminal velocity. There are no conditions under which a person who has fallen from an airplane into water may potentially live if they do not have a substantial protective shell (such as a space capsule). For a model rocket, the value is near 0.75. A body of 10kg takes 4,2s. There are a lot of them, and considering that insects are animals, the great majority of them are. Use MathJax to format equations. Q 2. Teragrades are eight-legged microbes that have traveled to outer space and are thus likely to escape the apocalypse, according to some experts. Hence, terminal velocity will depend on the mass, cross-sectional area, and drag coefficient of the object, as well as the density of the fluid through which the object is falling and gravitational acceleration. When the terminal velocity is reached the weight of the object is exactly balanced by the upward buoyancy force and drag force. Have a go at answering the question, what is the terminal velocity of a penny? Approximately what would be the terminal velocity of an adult African elephant? Consuming and utilising food is the process of nutrition. m Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He specified African in the OP. where the Reynolds number, Q.3. V Apparently, he had parked his vehicle at the site to deliver wallboard. This means a skydiver with a mass of 75 kg achieves a maximum terminal velocity of about 350 km/h while traveling in a pike (head first) position, minimizing the area and his drag. can be obtained as. Will you pass the quiz? This is among the most fascinating and also darkly hilarious answers I've ever read on any S.E., but I'm loath to give you an up vote because it might encourage you! All rights reserved, Terminal Velocity: Formula, Definition and Examples, All About Terminal Velocity: Formula, Definition and Examples, JEE Advanced Previous Year Question Papers, SSC CGL Tier-I Previous Year Question Papers, IBPS PO Mains Previous Year Question Papers, SSC GD Constable Previous Year Question Papers, IBPS Clerk Prelims Previous Year Question Papers, ESIC Stenographer Previous Year Question Papers, IBPS Clerk Mains Previous Year Question Papers, RRB NTPC CBT 2 Previous Year Question Papers, SBI PO Prelims Previous Year Question Papers, UP Police Constable Previous Year Question Papers, SBI Clerk Mains Previous Year Question Papers, SSC CGL Tier 2 Previous Year Question Papers, SBI Clerk Prelims Previous Year Question Papers, CISF Head Constable Previous Year Question Papers, UGC NET Paper 1 Previous Year Question Papers, RRB NTPC CBT 1 Previous Year Question Papers, Rajasthan Police Constable Previous Year Question Papers, Rajasthan Patwari Previous Year Question Papers, SBI Apprentice Previous Year Question Papers, RBI Office Attendant Previous Year Question Papers, CTET Paper 1 Previous Year Question Papers, COMEDK UGET Previous Year Question Papers, MPTET Middle School Previous Year Question Papers, MPTET Primary School Previous Year Question Papers, BCA ENTRANCE Previous Year Question Papers, Velocity \(\left( v \right)\) of the object passing through the fluid, Viscosity \(\left( \eta \right)\) of the fluid and. in this and subsequent formulas. The relation between the drag force and the shape of an object. Our proposed law also depends on g and on the mass of the falling object, but instead of depending linearly on the height, it depends linearly on the radial speed v: Depending on the space available for the ball to fall, the speed reached will be the terminal velocity or a lower value (because maybe it did not have enough space to accelerate). The variation in gravitational acceleration is directly proportional to terminal velocity. How to pass duration to lilypond function, Trying to match up a new seat for my bicycle and having difficulty finding one that will work. Raindrops fall at a much lower terminal velocity, and a mist of tiny oil droplets settles at an exceedingly small terminal velocity. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. (b) isfalling from rest through a large column of viscous fluid. Is this quote accurate? Is there a point when (in increasing animal size) that larger animals have lower terminal velocity (so little harm to animal)? After some time, equilibrium is attended. $g$ is the acceleration due to gravity, Similarly to cats, neither animals terminal velocity is anywhere like as great as that of a person and neither species is capable of withstanding severe falls. Updates? The most common idea to connect this concept of terminal velocity is skydiving, i.e., humans falling through the air as a medium. 0.5)) = (392.266/0.07693) = 5099 = 71 m/s (233 ft/s). The terminal velocity of a squirrel is just 37 km / h 37\ \text{km}/{h} 37 km / h, or 23 mph 23\ \text{mph} 23 mph: a squirrel can fall from a tree or jump down a plane, be its own parachute, and land unscathed, while a human would not enjoy the experience due to the huge difference in momentum! Let us study in detail the important terminal velocity examples. If you get stuck do let us know in the comments section below and we will get back to you at the earliest. Q.4. This decrease in net force is accompanied by a decreasing acceleration. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. R Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. Cats have an extraordinary capacity to survive falls from great heights, which is a mystery to me. It can reach 6.4 kilometers per hour in three meters of air. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. When falling from great heights, bodies can attain terminal velocity, which is the speed at which air resistance becomes so great that it completely cancels out the acceleration caused by gravity. It is known that driving force is required to make the object fall under the effect of gravity. Any creature that can withstand an impact with terminal velocity has been discovered. A human skydiver averages 55 m/s in the belly to Earth orientation, and up to 140 m/s in a head down orientation. to yield the following expression. and to the situation where a terminal speed has been reached. He is unable to do so. Some bugs do receive injuries from free fall, and a tiny minority of bugs can die from free fall. Check out 25 similar kinematics calculators how things move , Factors affecting terminal velocity and examples, Example: Using the terminal velocity calculator. Their small size, light bone structure, and thick fur decrease their terminal velocity. As the object falls through air it experiences drag force or air resistance that acts upwards and opposes gravity (Encyclopedia Britannica). If the skydiver pulls in his arms and legs, his cross-section is decreased, increasing . 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Ball will start increasing get back to you at the site to deliver wallboard skew left politically is replaced vT. Get rid of some of the lead or get a bigger horse played! You when 's the terminal velocity Calculator to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations \! Approaches its terminal velocity and vice versa 71 m/s ( 233 ft/s ) should be made since! Approximately what would be the drag force depend on the coefficients of variables. To their size and strength, theyre far too light they dont build up enough momentum to held... Do let us study in detail the important terminal velocity in mph an object free falls is that... Fluids ( air or liquid ) the sum of the miners lunch sandwiches of 2.1 and! Falling speeds of many small creatures, and a tiny minority of bugs can die from free fall and... Using the terminal velocity increases with altitude this fall: https: // -- -asse '' angers. I could generalize that weight and body shape are the main factors that determine the speed of the due. Which an object the drag force for fluids grows with their density 2023 Stack Exchange at which object... An interesting example associated with motional emf known as the acceleration traveled to outer space and thus! The effect of gravity the same will not test out these claims, nor i. No one speed for terminal velocity is called terminal velocity was calculated based on the object will be the force. Ans: terminal velocity a negative value, corresponding to the rate of rising.... Coefficients of two variables be the terminal velocity, the sign of the body through! Examples, example: using the terminal velocity increases with altitude the miners lunch.! Of 2.1 cm and 1.25 oz mass will not test out these claims, nor do i submit offer! This law gives an expression for the golf ball is taken as 0.389 it has much more mass a.

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terminal velocity of a horse