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aita for uninviting my stepdad

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I'm surprised he wanted to go on a 3 day trip with them after everything else they've done to him. I sent Dean and Kevin invitations but once they found out that our stepdad was going to be there, they said they might not come. Absolutely none of this is "good natured fun". Same here. Toxic man stuff. Something like Am I being gaslit? Because thats all this post was. Ugh. My husband races autocross, our tires are more expensive than I like to think. Your husband will never be comfortable around them and that's not fair to him. Those men are the picture perfect definition of toxic masculinity. I idolised and adored my father to the point whereby I resented my mother. NTA, and get security just in case if they even try to get in, The men in your family are assholes. Also criminal mischief. What an ungrateful bitch. I'm sure before all this he's been super uncomfortable around her family, for good reason. Were I Timmy I probably would have pressed charges about the slashed tyres and put our wedding on hold. Wtf is wrong with these guys! NTA. Send them this article. Your family is bullying him. NTA, the only typical thing about this is typical mail toxic behaviour. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I honestly think ESH. And I have a minor situation compared to people who need an inhaler with them at all times. If I was Tim I'd never see them again, and while I wouldn't or couldn't stop you from being in contact with them, I couldn't understand why you would want to. ", What I dont understand is if you slash all of them how would you even fix it yourself? Imagine if you guys decided to have kids and they acted this way around them too? That true men dont behave like that only insecure little ones who dont know how to control emotions or have no ethics do. Your cousi, brother, uncle and dad are TA for what they have done. Leave these people far behind! Your fiance could press charges! Your family members sound horrible, I'm so sorry you have to deal with them. NTA. I know at least two adult males who go by Timmy lmao. O no someone went to post secondary education. Agreed. NTA. Like men. If she's trying to diminish the situation and act like there isn't a problem--or act like the problem is small enough that you should just let it go already--then she is clearly part of the problem, too. this could have easily turned into a dangerous situation if OPs fianc hadnt left to tell his wife, since its clear they have no regard for this mans health and the consequences of being without an inhaler. She's NTA. NTA and what they are doing is bullying and not playing pranks. Are there any family members on your dad's side of the family that you are close to and still communicate with? People really act like this? They werent pranking Tim, they were bullying him. They might try to pull a family play where none of your family comes if they don't. This is more than just consequences for actions, it's looking out for your special day. anyway, its my mums birthday next week and i was going to take the family out for dinner at a nice restaurant. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Do you live in some backwoods place? Your family is driving the wedge, not him. Can you imagine what other "pranks" they would play at the wedding? I f25 along with my two brothers Dean & Kevin (both 30s) went through rough time during our parents divorce, mom got married to my stepdad and we lived with him for years. I wouldnt cave and let come to your wedding who knows what shit they might pull. A native English speaker would be like yeah, sure whatever, hearing that. This is the reason to establish care with a trusted GP so that if somethjng goes wrong you aren't in that situation. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. NTA ! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is toxic masculinity and for what exactly? Slashing tyres and hiding lifesaving medication is objectively not funny and is literally just bullying. 3 months from diagnosis to dead. Jumping on this, an acquaintance of mine actually died from an asthma attack. Canadian? Slashing tires would definitely cost someone hundreds of dollars to replace. If you're not ready for that, then maybe just low-contact along with using the gray-rock method (a technique where you interact with your abuser as little as possible, and when you do, don't give them a reaction). If you give in, they'll keep thinking that their bullying is acceptable or funny. In my family we tease each other and play jokes and trust me this is not what we do! I see this a lot when it comes to autism, so I'm very prone to taking statements like this at face value. He's the "type of man" you decided to marry and that's all they need to fucking know. They're not idiots; they're psychopaths. It has been great having her back and we've gotten so close again. I honestly would've dumped OP a long time ago. 2) There is nothing wrong with the name Timmy. So, yeah - man up and die for real. I understand this is the environment you grew up in, and might not know better, but hopefully these comments help with that. An example of that is how most of the time the oldest child is the parent - they get the younger siblings dressed, fed, and ready for school. NTA, the men in your family are full blown psychopaths. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. NTA. Because that lifetime of stress kills us. Aita for uninviting my parents to my wedding; nba flashscore; 4652 rose of tara way; house for sale with 3 acres; amish house building; . I know plenty of men that cant hunt, fish or turn a wrench and you know what? Tell your husband he'll be more stressed if it turns out to be a serious condition. You should have cut them out ages ago, if my partner's family had treated me like that I'd given them the finger and said "Nah I ain't marrying anyone who cant stand up for me", trust me when I say that "doormat" would have been the softest of my insults. That's like no different than the people who don't believe in allergies feeding people allergens and almost killing them. It's theft. NTA - stand your ground. Elope! You need to make your choice now, its your family - who will probably run off any other man you bring home unless they're as messed up as your family - or your fiance. My dad told me everything about their divorce and how awful my mom was. And these pranks and challenges are NOT typical men stuff. Super toxic. Or possibly become a divorce soon. Just a rug sweeper cause family.. That's only if they were "man enough" to tell her the truth. Plugs are only good for punctures more then an inch or two away from the sides. People with asthma can die from their condition. Your fianc has nothing to prove to anyone, all this is is toxic, insecure men making someone they see as a THREAT feel small. You know. Tim should have filed a Police report!! Maybe see what your cousin has to say (BC the nature of his panicking, it might be that he wants to genuinely apologise, at least that's how I've read it,) but as far as I'm concerned you'd be better cutting them all off. You need to set things straight immediately that he comes first or else this will be the end of your relationship. They'll fit right in regardless. They really need to understand that their action could have had serious consequence (luckily it didn't). they took away an asthmatics inhaler which could potentially lead to death, and youre asking if youre the AH for uninviting them to your wedding? Or are they just sorry because they can't attend your wedding now? On what planet are the attempted murderers of half the happy couple welcome at their wedding? Woah. You need to speak to your partner about how he wants to move forward with this and respect his decision. Cut those toxic people out and go be happy with the man who loves you. They're immature little boys who believe they have to pretend to be tough so they don't get laughed at. Toxic masculinity at it's finest. My dad told me everything about their divorce and how awful my mom was. live happily now :). NTA wtf??? NTA- people can die from an asthma attack. But if you only slash 3 tires you have to pay out of pocket. Since I assume none of them are medical professional, how exactly where they planning on testing his asthma? If they even slashed in a way that could be plugged. A part of me wants you to send that guy flowers with a card that says "Sorry for your loss." OP wonder this..what happens if and when you have a child specially if it's a boy. NTA - I'd tell Mom she'd better stfu and stop enabling or else she's going to be uninvited too. Child abuse waiting to happen. EditImagine how far you could have taken it "Hi dad or brother or cousin is Tim there he is not answering his phone. What do you mean he leftOK no worries I will wait till he gets home. Are you American? Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Honestly, I might have broken up with OP after the tire thing. NTA if you can say the worst case scenario in a situation is someone died, like in this case with the inhaler then it's not a prank anymore. This is absolutely mind-boggling to me, considering everything. I am sure they have along with the mother. They don't know the severity of his condition and could have KILLED HIM. That's some courage, at 22. NTA but uninviting them to the wedding is the bare minimum response. Remember OP grew up with this behavior. Wtf ! He should know better. Im a woman, but it my now-husbands family had treated me even 10% this badly, literally committed crimes against me they could be charged with criminally, I would not have continued dating him, much less married into his family. Considering that the four closest male relations in her life are all awful people, I think OP's failings are purely because her frame of reference was established at an awful angle by childhood. I'd tell your mom that you would be ashamed of your children if they acted like your dad. The next step would be giving him flowers that set off his asthma. Also at the same time (not sure if due to asthma or something else causing it) my brain stopped receiving oxygen and I was gasping for air but never actually breathing any in. To not breathing. What if you have a son, and they "prank" him a lot, and in an attempt to show bravado to them, he gets hurt or killed. So my sister isn't invited.". They arent pranksters, theyre abusive assholes. YTA for ever allowing it to happen and if you continue to. Also expect your mom might say she isn't going if they don't. You can die from an asthma attack! Your fianc deserves your support and protection from your asshoke family members. I get that families can sort of haze newcomers, but slashing tires? Pranking is meant to be HARMLESS fun. Id make a police report and go no contact. Your family's version of what a "real man" is, is twisted. This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/AmItheAsshole, Comments are in random ordering and vote scores are hidden. A's far as the wedding issue. Not this shit. Sounds like your cousin might have been going along with the crowd and knows it went too far. NTA. Damn he must love you to have continued to be abused. This doesn't mean men aren't ignored & gaslit by doctors because they are. I will also add that, even if it doesnt work out with Tim. NTA - do NOT let these awful people come to your wedding. I was so mad at the timing of that because I couldn't do nearly as much as I wanted to on that trip because of that unexpected expense. Ngl he did what he could to help me out with school and everything, he even offered to fund my wedding which is going to be in 5 weeks time and I'm very grateful for that though this was his decision. Even if you dont, I think I would be pretty furious at him for being so selfish he would rather potentially die and leave me and our possible kids without a husband and father because hes too afraid to go to a doctor to find out if he has a condition thats actually treatable with simple medicine! Id go no contact if my family acted like that. These aren't pranks. Depending on how bad the asthma is it could be way beyond cruel. NTA. I was his tail as a child and went with him everywhere, people knew me as the apple of his eye. Tell him they're for his wife or next of kin. After she hung up I asked my fiance if I made the wrong decision and je said it's my wedding and I get to decide eventually but I knew he said that because he's biased. It's helped me to learn how many families with addicts change to fit the addiction. They could have killed him. The blaming is another form of abuse (like aftershocks from an earthquake). When I started dating my girlfriend(6 years ago) the first few years were just constant comments of how I was the "city boy" because I never lived in the country and didn't know all sorts of outdoorsy things. NTA, this is taking toxic masculinity to another level. Their pranks went from wildly inappropriate to outright dangerous. It took loads of therapy to decondition myself from my mon's gaslighting and manipulative ways, and it wasn't half as bad as all the toxicity going on in OP's family. Stick to your guns. Im sorry but the men in your life sound like misogynist AHs, leave them in the dust where they belong. NTA OP, you should consider therapy because imo I think theres a whole lot of crap that youve had to deal with that you considered normal. Clearly youre not and your family are acting deranged. Middle of the night call to wake them up hysterical, "He still isn't back, he isn't answering his phonehave you heard from himwhen do I call the police and report him missing?". Threatened much because hes more intellectual than physical? Because I'm sure as hell don't think it will stop at the wedding. How do they not realize that?! What a sissy! Harsh comparison but the Ahmmaud Arbery killers thought they were perfectly fine blowing that guy away in the street under the stand your ground law, they were shocked that anyone wanted to arrest them when they were handcuffed at their house. They've done that to you too. OP is NTA for what she is asking about, but how on earth was the tire stunt not the line drawn in the sand? I hope he can see sense and decides not to marry you, you let them bully him for WAY too long. Last week, They took Tim on a 3 day trip and hid his inhaler, he left them and returned in 7hrs and told me, I was seething after he said they admitted to hiding it as a "challenge", I exploded on them when they returned. ^ u/Throwawayfamily976, the above comment really hit home. They are awful people. Honestly if you continue to enable this behavior you are a terrible partner and Timmy should just not marry you. These men literally think they can just, likewill their bodies to be healthy???? You don't justget to do that. if all four tires are slashed you can call insurance to cover it as an attack. The toxic masculinity is strong in this one. Wow people like this disgust me. For more information, please see our Costing someone financially and putting said persons health at risk are not pranks NTA. Slashing tires and taking an asthmatics inhaler is not typical. Men are less likely to seek out mental healthcare, and have much higher rates of completing suicide. After all, our mom worked so hard to provide for us, and I was the one giving her a hard time. NTA theyre bullying your fianc, the level of toxic masculinity is insane and I feel some insecurities about him being a college kid. Oh my days, what a mess. I had a ton of brothers and a dad who were all involved in fishing, hunting, survival, etc. YTA- for making your husband put up with their antics for so long. Although, to be fair OP sucks a little bit for not shutting this shit down sooner and letting it get this far. Am I crazy or is OPs bf a saint for putting up with this for so long? Check out our upcoming Reddit Talk With John Hodgman on January 18th @ 7pm EST. The fact he still wants to continue in this relationship says a lot about his feelings for you. NTA, that's not typical "men stuff", your dad, uncle, brother and cousin are bullies. NTA. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A lot of the things you describe arent pranks at all. Demanding they stop was step 1, but she should have done more. Tires are expensive to replace, and not everyone gets lucky finding good replacements secondhand. My junior and senior years of high school they had my two younger half-brothers and my stepdad forced me to drop out of all extracurriculars so I could take care of them after school which severely hurt my chances of scholarships. NTA. They have put his life in danger and have destroyed property and deserve to have charges pressed against them. Before or after he passed out/died? I finally gave up and told him that I will not continue to be subjected to his abuse and he's no longer welcome in my life. NTA, but you will be if you allow your family to continue to BULLY your fiance. Sometimes, even when we are justified in going no contact, we can later regret it, and then the whole argument for it in the first place feels less important and we focus on what we can never have. Her future husband should have joined in and told OPs family hes no longer participating in their ridiculous tests. NTA, this is horrible. Also, nerve pain that starts in the back and radiates to/through the groin could indicate the sort of damage that will lead to fecal incontinence. I dont any men who pull the crap your family did. I was still taking care of my younger brothers. Turn a wrench and you know what property and deserve to have charges against. Gotten so close again and stop enabling or else she 's going to be serious. Enough '' to tell her the truth your partner about how he wants to move forward with for. 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aita for uninviting my stepdad